About us

Parklands Veterinary Clinic is a private veterinary facility which specializes in providing prompt, personalized care when a pet's regular veterinarian is unavailable.

How we function

All cases are seen with the least possible delay, but cases of extreme urgency are, at the discretion of the clinic staff, given priority in particular where the clinic has been advised beforehand that the case will be brought in. When urgent and comprehensive treatment is required, intensive care is given until the owner can transfer the case to a practice of their choice. The vet on duty will supply a record of diagnosis and treatment given.


As determined in the fee schedule of the South African Veterinary Council, an after-hours surcharge must be included in the fee. The staff will be pleased to give you an estimate of the cost before the treatment is started. The owner or whoever represents him will be asked to sign an agreement authorising treatment, and whereby liability for the cost is accepted. The fees are payable upon conclusion of the consultation or at transfer of the patient out of the clinic. Cash or credit cards are accepted. We regret that no cheques can be accepted and no accounts are allowed.